This LocalGovDrupal site is hosted in Dreamhost; to install it I did the following:
- I set up a subdomain of an existing domain to be the address of the site; you of course will probably want a domain rather than a subdomain, but it's all the same really,
- I SSHd into the Dreamhost server, which dropped me into the root folder for all my Dreamhost-hosted sites
Into the command line I typed
composer create-project drupal/recommended-project:^10 ProjectDirectory
which installs the most recent core version of Drupal 10; Drupal 10 being the current recommended version for LocalGovDrupal, and ProjectDirectory being the folder on the server's filesystem I wanted to install the site into
Then I typed
cd ProjectDirectory
Next I edited the composer.json file for the stability to be
(the next step was consistently failing before I did this)
Finally in the command line I typed
composer require localgovdrupal/localgov
which brought in the specific LocalGovDrupal modules and theme.
- Next I configured my (sub)domain to point to the ProjectDirectory/web folder
- After that I navigated to the site in my browser to complete the Drupal installation, selecting the LocalGovDrupal profile on the list of profiles, configuring everything else (including the MySQL connexion settings) accordingly.
- And finally once the installation was complete I started to enable the modules on the Extend menu item.
Dreamhost recommends using their VPS hosting rather than the basic hosting for Drupal, because the resource requirements are heftier than usual; at this point I'm trying to get away without doing that hosting upgrade, cos, cash, innit.
Site theme
The site's theme is based on the LocalGovDrupal demo Scarfolk theme, adapted for my own needs.
The colour scheme is taken from Stacey Barnfield's Draw My City Birmingham colour palettes:
- Canal Boat Navy
- Mr Egg Yellow
- Acocks Green
- The Bull Bronze
- Spitfire Camo
- Tikka Masala Red