Where should the Online Service sit? What's the website for anyway? How should it be staffed? Is the current location and staffing of your council webteam serving the council and your citizens well? 30 January 2025
User satisfaction in 2024 is lower than it was in 2019 - what are we going to do about this? In 2019 the Govmetric satisfaction score on the top council website was 0.3; in 2024 the top council website weighs it at 0.2 17 September 2024
What is local government actually for? We have (roughly) 350 local councils all doing more or less the same things in the same way. Is there a better way to do this? 2 July 2024
Council online petitions Most council digital strategies say don't replicate content or functionality provided elsewhere. I think we should however be running our own e-petitions services 5 June 2024
Should there be a Local GDS? Probably not. It Depends. Well, it depends on what you mean by 'local', 'government', 'digital', and 'service'... 28 March 2024
Reporting missed bin collections You get home at the end of a busy day away from home. You see the flamin' council never collected your bins today 22 November 2023
So you want to build a new council website, but why? What's wrong with your current one? Why have you decided to build a new website anyway? 28 September 2023
Make a plan for the system going down The network has failed, nobody can access the CRM system, what are the staff to do other than twiddle their thumbs? 30 August 2023
How about a LocalGovDigital consultancy? Why do we pay expensive consultants to tell us the same things clever people from within our own sector can tell us? 7 August 2023
10 Principles for Good LocalGovDigital Design In which I channel the spirit of Dieter Rams. 11 April 2023