Survey of local news reading habits

In BigTown we think local news is important. It's the way our citizens can hold us in the council to account, and it's the way we can celebrate the best of what it is to live here as well as learn about the worst so we can fix it.

There's no denying the local news landscape has deteriorated over the last couple of decades, and we're interested to find out why; initially, we're interested to find out why readers don't read as much local news as they used to. At this stage, we don't know what we'll do with the final results once published - we might carry out further research, or we might pass the information on to somebody else better placed to dig deeper. This is not a professional survey by a professional researcher, this is - as Peter Snow used to sometimes say on election night - 'just for fun'. But the results might prove interesting.

Depending on your answers to the first couple of questions, this is either a short survey which should take you no longer than a couple of minutes to complete, or a medium survey which you might complete in about 5-10 minutes.

  • Current Introduction
  • Current local news reading habits
  • Local news reading habits in the past
  • Publication formats
  • Final questions
  • Complete
Do you currently ever regularly read local news content?